A wholistic approach that uses many modalities to treat the whole person.
One approach does not fit all people, we use many modalities together to try to find the right treatment approach for each patient.
FAQ: Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Heather talks a little about the needles and what it feels like to get acupuncture!
Acupuncture is the insertion of thin, sterile, single use needles into specific acupuncture points on the body.
Herbal medicine
Heather practice both Chinese herbal medicine and Western herbal medicine. Herbs are prescribed as a formula specifically designed for the patients constitution and condition treated. They can come in the form of pills, tablets, teas, and granules.
Cupping is the suction of glass or silicone cups onto the back. They can either be left stationary to treat specific acupuncture points or moved around an area of pain to break up fascial adhesions and improve circulation to the area.
Gua Sha
Is a form of structural therapy that uses a gua sha stone or tool to treat acupuncture channels on the surface of the body, or to break up fascial adhesions and improve blood flow to an area of injury or pain.
Moxibustion is a warming therapy that uses burning mugwort, “Ai Ye” as a form of heat therapy on acupuncture points. This can be done indirectly through a warm moxibustion stick held over the skin or directly with tiny rice grain sized pieces of moxa heated directly on the skin.
Hara Diagnosis
Hara diagnosis is the Japanese art of abdominal diagnosis. The practitioner palpates specific reflection zones in the patient’s abdomen with gentle pressure to find areas that require treatment. It is helpful for getting feedback directly from the patient’s body. Needles are placed in the arms or legs to relieve tenderness in the abdomen.